Respiratory diseases are still at a high incidence stage, and daily protective measures need to be taken


As soon as we enter the “Thirty-nine Days”, we have reached the coldest stage of the year. Moreover, the A-type influenza has only been a little “quiet” recently, and the B-type influenza is coming again. Even the new crown epidemic may rebound this month, and the respiratory tract is still facing “many aspects”. Encirclement and suppression.” In such an environment, most families will prepare some symptomatic drugs.

Preparing medicines at home can help patients with mild symptoms to relieve their symptoms and improve their comfort, but the medication should be safe and consistent with the indications. Especially when it comes to children’s medications. Generally speaking, when the body temperature continues to exceed 38.5°C, antipyretics can be taken. The two safest antipyretics are acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

For respiratory-related diseases, coughing will become the main symptom after the fever subsides. Many children may cough from day to night, almost endlessly, and their throats will not stop snoring. Parents are worried about this. Therefore, in addition to antipyretics, you also need to prepare cough medicines suitable for children, such as Yitanjing, which is mainly suitable for treating cough, thick sputum, difficulty in phlegm discharge, wheezing and other symptoms caused by acute and chronic respiratory diseases. At the same time, Yitanjing also takes into account children’s medication habits. It comes in assorted fruit flavors. It also designs a push-type screw cap and a brown PET bottle, which reduces resistance to taking medication and greatly improves medication safety.

However, if a younger child, such as one less than 6 months old, has a severe cough and cannot pass phlegm, it is recommended to send him or her to the hospital for treatment in time. Older children can also help dilute phlegm and moisten the throat by drinking small amounts of water frequently.

In addition, there are corresponding antiviral drugs for influenza A and B. The earlier the treatment, the better the effect. Therefore, if you have related symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and make a diagnosis based on blood routine.

When choosing medication for home use, you must pay attention not to abuse the medication, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, and do not reuse similar medications to avoid improper medication methods that may cause damage to the body. After self-medication, you should closely observe the efficacy and adverse reactions, and seek medical treatment promptly if necessary.

All in all, when the weather is cold, you must pay attention to keeping your children warm and cold-proof. As the winter vacation and Spring Festival approach, the mobility of people increases and the risk of infection increases. Protection is the top priority. Develop good hygiene habits every day, pay attention to room ventilation, wash hands frequently, and try to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands; try to avoid going to places where people gather, and go to the hospital promptly if you develop flu-like symptoms; diagnosed with type B influenza When necessary, you should stay at home for quarantine and observation, and do not go to work or attend classes while sick to reduce the spread of the disease.

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