To protect your heart, you should pay attention to your daily dietary taboos. Which foods can nourish your heart?


Heart disease is a disease that everyone hears a lot about. It will have a big impact on the normal operation of everyone’s organs. If you want to prevent it, you need to pay more attention to it. The heart is an important organ that ensures the normal functioning of the human body. It must be protected. Protecting the heart means protecting the human body. So, what daily dietary taboos should we pay attention to, and what foods can we eat to maintain a healthy mind?

Food that nourishes the “heart”

1. Kelp

Eating more kelp can accelerate the excretion of harmful substances such as cholesterol from the body, prevent blood clots and increased blood viscosity, and prevent arteriosclerosis.

2. Nuts

Nuts such as almonds and peanuts are rich in heart-healthy amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Potatoes

Patients with heart disease, especially cardiac insufficiency, are often accompanied by hypokalemia. Eating potatoes regularly can not only supplement potassium, but also supplement sugar, protein, minerals, vitamins, etc.

Cardiac Diet Taboos

1. Eat more low-fat foods

In your daily meals, the editor recommends that you pay attention to a healthy diet and stick to low-fat foods, such as tofu, grains, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.

2. Eat more garlic

Therefore, although dietary conditioning is important, some bad habits in life are more likely to “ruin” the “prospect” of the heart.

3. Control spicy food

Most patients with rheumatic heart disease have insufficient yang energy in the heart and spleen. Excessive consumption of bitter and cold foods will damage the body’s yang energy and aggravate the condition. In addition, foods such as chili and mustard can speed up the heartbeat and increase the burden on the heart. This type of food can cause constipation. Excessive straining due to difficulty in defecation can increase the burden on the heart and even cause accidents.

4. Control salt content

Strictly control the amount of salt used, and the amount of various salted foods should also be strictly limited to avoid causing water and sodium retention in the body and increasing the burden on the heart.

5. Control your diet

Eliminate tobacco, alcohol, strong tea and coffee. Because when cigarettes are burned, they can produce a large amount of carbon monoxide. When carbon monoxide is inhaled into the body, it can cause vasoconstriction throughout the body and combine with hemoglobin in the blood to reduce its ability to transport oxygen, causing myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, which is harmful to the heart. unfavorable.

Exciting drinks such as wine, strong tea, and coffee can increase blood pressure, increase the excitability of the nervous system, accelerate the heart rate, and even induce heart rhythm disorders, thereby increasing the burden on the heart and damaging the function of myocardial valves. Therefore, patients with rheumatic heart disease should avoid smoking and stimulating drinks.

The probability of heart disease is relatively high nowadays. Only by doing a good job in daily care and maintenance can we reduce the harm. Pay attention to careful prevention and eat more of these heart-nourishing foods to minimize the harm. In normal times, everyone must pay attention to careful care and take these precautions to reduce the harm. I hope everyone can pay more attention to their heart health. If you encounter an abnormal situation, you must take precautions in time.


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