Women must take preventive measures against gynecological diseases. These gynecological diseases are more likely to occur in winter.


The climate in winter is cold and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Many female friends will suffer from heavy pain in the lower abdomen, cold pain in the lumbosacral region, odor in the vagina, and frequent itching. Is this a gynecological disease? The Department of Gynecology, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, issued a reminder: In winter, women must take precautions against gynecological diseases and beware of “sneak attacks” by diseases.

1. Vaginitis

There are many types of vaginitis in women, the common ones include fungal vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis, trichomonas vaginitis, senile vaginitis, etc. Symptoms include excessive vaginal discharge, odor, vaginal itching, lower abdominal pain and other discomforts. It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, or due to decreased body resistance or exposure to pathogens.

2. Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is characterized by frequent urination, urgency, pain, fever, low back pain and other symptoms when urinating. The female urethra is short and straight, and is easily invaded by bacteria and causes urethritis. If urethritis is not treated in time, it will destroy the adjacent normal tissue structure and cause vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.


3. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is divided into acute pelvic inflammatory disease and chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Patients often present with lower abdominal pain, increased leucorrhea, and lumbosacral pain. It often occurs or worsens after catching a cold, eating spicy and greasy food, being tired, angry, catching a cold, or having sex. If not treated in time, delayed healing can easily cause inflammation in nearby organs such as the fallopian tubes, leading to chronic pelvic pain and even infertility.

4. Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea manifests as lower abdominal pain and bloating before or during menstruation, accompanied by backache or other discomforts. The symptoms seriously affect the quality of life.

How to protect yourself?

Change underwear frequently. In the cold winter, some people reduce the frequency of changing underwear, which will allow a large number of bacteria to enter the female vagina, causing infection and inflammation. Choose loose cotton underwear, wash it and expose it to the sun, and change it and wear it frequently.

Exercise appropriately. Sitting for long periods of time can easily cause blood to accumulate in the pelvic cavity, which can easily induce inflammation in the long run. Moderate exercise can harmonize Qi and blood, which can effectively improve immunity.

keep warm. Women should pay special attention to keeping warm in winter, especially the lumbosacral area and lower limbs, to prevent the invasion of cold evil, cold coagulation and blood stasis, which can induce diseases. However, it is not advisable to wear it too tight as it may affect pelvic blood supply.

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