What causes chickenpox? What are the symptoms of chickenpox?


Chickenpox is a herpetic skin disease that infants and preschool children often suffer from. If you want to prevent it, you must know the cause. Today I will tell you what causes chickenpox. Let’s take a look.

Causes of chickenpox

Generally speaking, the seasons when chickenpox is most contagious are spring and winter, and it is mainly transmitted through contact or saliva. Generally speaking, after chickenpox heals on its own, the chance of recurrence is very low, but shingles may appear after a long time. Especially for babies with insufficient immunity, parents need to know the causes of chickenpox and take preventive measures in time to reduce the “harm” caused by chickenpox to the baby.

1. Chickenpox is highly contagious

Babies with weak immunity are easily infected if they come into contact with chickenpox patients. In addition, if your baby comes into contact with someone who has shingles, he or she will also get chickenpox. So it is not the visible chickenpox patients who are the source of infection.

2. Chickenpox is spread through a wide range of routes

Although chickenpox is mainly transmitted through contact and saliva, it is difficult for babies to avoid being infected even if the time and distance are short. Even people who have had chickenpox may be infected.


3. Baby’s immunity is low

Because the baby’s immune system is not yet mature, it is difficult for the baby to defend against the chickenpox virus once exposed to pathogens.

4. Maternal infection

Some babies get antibodies from their mother while they are still in the womb, but if the mother gets chickenpox during pregnancy, she can pass it on to her baby.

Although chickenpox is a type of herpes that is easy to identify, it is extremely necessary for mothers who have never had chickenpox or have never seen a chickenpox patient to know the symptoms of chickenpox. oYYBAGWKlcuAAhjUAABTqZuCz3M560Generally speaking, chickenpox will cause headache, fever, and physical fatigue. In addition, a rash developed within 24 hours of onset, and changed from the size of rice grains to mung bean granular herpes.

1. Incubation period

The incubation period is about two weeks. During this period, the baby will have a fever, headache, and not like to eat.

Especially in autumn and winter, this situation can easily be regarded as a cold. Therefore, if you are not able to judge well in autumn and winter, it is best to go to the hospital for examination.

2. Early symptoms

After two weeks, pimples and herpes will appear on the baby’s skin within a few hours or a day, and then scabs will form after a period of time.


These papules and herpes may be small red spots like mosquito bites, or they may turn into blisters after a period of time, and the blisters will also grow from small to large.

3. Rash period

Generally speaking, after 24 hours, most of the pimples on the baby’s body will be gone, and the scabs will slowly fall off after a week.

Of course, during the rash period, the baby will still have a fever that lasts for one to two days, and will also be accompanied by symptoms such as cough and runny nose. o4YBAGWKlcuAGyjlAABbweILr90800

Although the chickenpox vaccine is now available, mothers still cannot underestimate the existence of chickenpox. If not taken care of well, the baby will be left with acne scars or other harmful health risks. For example, some viruses will always lurk in the baby’s cranial and spinal nerves and cannot be eliminated. Probably when the baby grows up, if there is a problem with the immune system, the virus will become active again, thus affecting the baby’s health. Therefore, once a baby develops chickenpox, mothers must actively take care of it, or seek professional experience from medical staff for careful care.

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