You must avoid these four foods if you have urticaria


Xinxin  3 days ago, started to develop wheal-like bumps, especially on the limbs, which were very serious and itched severely. I couldn’t help but scratch them. The results became more and more serious. I went to the dermatology hospital for examination and was diagnosed. For urticaria.


Many people may have heard of urticaria. If you are reading this article, you may have been affected by it, and the incidence rate is very high. Relevant data show that about 25% of people have suffered from urticaria at least once in their lives.

It can be divided into acute (<6 weeks) and chronic (>6 weeks) urticaria, which generally have the following characteristics: rash, wheals, and angioedema may appear on the skin surface after the onset ; they appear repeatedly, come on suddenly, and go away quickly. , leaving no trace after subsided; there is severe itching, accompanied by burning.

Don’t think that it only has this ability. If the symptoms are severe, it may lead to sudden death . Therefore, for this disease, we focus on prevention, and once it occurs, find ways to solve it in time.

These 7 factors may trigger urticaria

If you want to prevent this disease, you need to understand the factors that can induce this disease. Generally speaking, the main points are as follows:

1. Diet

For example, some fish, shrimp and other seafood, beef and mutton or spicy food . For seafood such as shrimp, if you eat less, there may be no symptoms, but if you eat too much, allergic reactions may occur.

Spicy food can reduce the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract and prolong the retention time of food residues in the intestine, thereby producing peptone and peptides, which may lead to allergies. There are also some fruits, the more common ones include mango, lychee, kiwi , etc.

2. Infection

Such as bacterial infections such as dental caries, tonsillitis, otitis media, fungi, viral infections such as hepatitis B, intestinal roundworms, pinworms and other parasites, etc. , they can induce this disease by changing the body’s reactivity.


3. Physical factors

Such as hot and cold stimulation, sun exposure, friction , etc., may cause this disease, but the types of onset are different, such as cold urticaria caused by sweating and catching a cold, solar urticaria caused by sun exposure, and solar urticaria caused by friction. For skin scratch disease, etc.

4. Taking medication or intravenous medication

Some such as penicillins, cephalosporins, moxifloxacin, drugs HPV vaccine, herpes zoster vaccine, etc., as well as injection of tetanus antitoxin, rabies vaccine , etc. may cause urticaria.


5. Congenital genetic constitution

This is easy to understand. For example, if parents have a history of allergies, their children will be more likely to develop this disease; or people who have had allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma and other allergic diseases before will also be more likely to develop this disease. Higher.

6. Environmental factors

For example, if you are in a place or season with a lot of dust, lint, and pollen , you may easily develop urticaria.

7. Mental factors

Being in emotional states such as tension and depression for a long time can cause the release of acetylcholine in the body. It can act as a mediator, causing skin capillaries to dilate, blood vessel permeability to increase, and serum to leak out to form urticaria.

It can be seen that there are many causes of urticaria. Therefore, if you want to prevent this disease, you must pay attention to avoid these high-risk factors so that you can stay away from it.


If you have urticaria, you should avoid 4 foods

After getting urticaria, it is really uncomfortable for the patient, because the severe itching may affect the patient’s life, work, and study. If the disease occurs in the larynx and bronchi of the respiratory tract, it can cause edema and blockage, thus It can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, etc., and in severe cases, it may cause suffocation.

Therefore, you must pay attention to urticaria, seek medical treatment in time, and provide treatment and conditioning. Pay special attention to your diet. Some foods can induce or aggravate the condition.

1. Seafood and other seafood

If you still don’t understand the cause of your disease, it is best to avoid foods such as seafood, because these foods are easy to produce weathering fever, which can induce the disease, or promote the further development of the disease, or even directly become an allergen, causing allergic reactions.

2. Alcoholic beverages

No matter what kind of alcohol you drink, you should try to avoid it, because after drinking it, it will dilate blood vessels, cause redness of the skin, and even wheals. Especially seafood paired with beer will most likely cause allergic reactions and urticaria.

3. High-fat and high-cholesterol foods

For example, chocolate, cakes, animal offal , etc. These foods can easily produce phlegm and fire, or accumulate dampness and heat, which can lead to internal dampness and heat. When stimulated, this disease can easily be induced.

4. Fruit

For example, apricots, plums, longans, peaches , etc., because these fruits are hot in nature, they can easily aggravate the condition and affect the skin.

There are many foods that can cause or aggravate the disease, so if you have confirmed which food is the cause, just try to avoid eating it in the future.

If you are not sure, you should try to avoid some foods that are likely to cause allergies. If possible, it is best to go to the hospital to do an allergen test to find out which foods you are allergic to and should not eat , and then avoid them in your future diet. .


In addition to diet, these 3 tips can also reduce pain

Judging from the cause of this disease, it can be regarded as an immune disease . In many cases, it is caused by allergies. Seasons, diet, environment, and autoimmunity may all induce this disease.

Therefore, if you want to effectively prevent and treat this disease, in addition to your diet, you should also pay a little attention to it and try to do the following:

First, pay attention to avoid hot and cold environmental stimulation, maintain an optimistic and peaceful attitude , and avoid emotional excitement; exercise appropriately to enhance immunity and prevent this disease.


Second, if the symptoms are mild, you can lower the water temperature when bathing or washing your face, and use refrigerated saline as a wet compress to help relieve the condition.

But be careful, never use hot water to apply to the affected area, and try to avoid taking hot baths. This will irritate the skin and cause blood vessels to spread. Instead, it will release more allergic factors and aggravate the condition. If symptoms are severe, seek medical attention promptly.

Third, actively search for the cause and try to avoid it. If it is really uncomfortable, you can use second- and third-generation antihistamines for treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

If necessary, multiple drugs can be used together. During the acute phase, after the itching is relieved, do not stop the drug immediately. Use it for two or three more days to consolidate and prevent recurrence. If there are specific allergens, desensitization treatments can also be performed.

Although urticaria is difficult to completely treat, as long as you master the method, you can control it well and reduce the pain it brings to us, so everyone must remember it!


Further reading: How to differentiate between hives and eczema?

It is not difficult to distinguish these two diseases. Let’s first talk about urticaria. It has a relatively iconic feature, that is, it comes and goes quickly, so if you find lumps or itching on your body after 48 If it subsides on its own within an hour, it is most likely urticaria . Otherwise, other diseases such as eczema should be considered.


After the onset of eczema, the symptoms of skin damage are quite diverse , such as congested erythema, papules, blisters, etc. Symptoms such as erosion, exudation, and scabs may also appear due to scratching. Most of them are symmetrical and accompanied by severe The itching can recur, and can occur again at the same location at the same time every year.

Urticaria is a very common disease, so we mainly focus on prevention and try to avoid some high-risk factors that can induce it. If you get sick, actively look for allergens, treat symptoms, and take care of your daily life. , I believe you can control it well.

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