Can black rice fight cancer?tell you the answer


Wenwen is 26 years old. She has loved beauty since she was a child, and she has been particularly anxious since she discovered that she had a few gray hairs. In addition to trying different hair colors, she also wanted to improve white hair through dietary therapy. She heard that eating black rice can beautify and replenish blood, so she added black rice to three meals a day.

I was originally looking forward to improving my complexion and hair quality, but after taking it for a while, I developed abdominal pain.

In this regard, the doctor explained that because black rice contains a lot of dietary fiber, eating it every day will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and it is not recommended to eat it in large amounts or regularly.



1. Zhang Qifa, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Black rice should become a staple food!

In 2008, a comparative trial of feeding mice in the UK was published. Adding feed rich in anthocyanins can extend the life of mice by 28% compared with standard feed . Inspired by this study, Zhang Qifa, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor at Huazhong Agricultural University, set his sights on black rice rich in anthocyanins.

Professor Zhang Qifa believes that rice cell tissue layers include pericarp, seed coat, aleurone layer, embryo, and endosperm, but polished rice only has endosperm. The main components of endosperm are starch and protein and have fewer nutrients.

Black rice is not only balanced and complete in nutrients, but also rich in anthocyanins and rich dietary fiber. It can be called the “all-round champion” among whole grains. However, because it is difficult to cook and tastes bad, the consumption of black rice in the market is low.

What is the difference between black rice and ordinary rice?

Black rice contains more minerals, vitamins and other substances than white rice. According to statistics, the trace elements in black rice are 2-5 times that of white rice, and the B vitamins are about 4 times that of fine white rice .

But it should be noted that there are some types of people who are not recommended to eat black rice!

1. Patients with high copper content : The copper content in black rice is higher than that in ordinary rice. It is not suitable for patients with high copper content to avoid further increase in copper content.

2. People with indigestion : Black rice contains cellulose, protein, fat and other indigestible substances. People with indigestion should not eat it regularly to avoid increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

3. People who take tetracycline drugs : Black rice contains magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and other metal ions. When they meet tetracycline drugs, they will form insoluble chelates, which will affect the efficacy of the drug. Therefore, people who take tetracycline drugs It is best not to eat black rice.


2. Regularly eating black rice can not only fight cancer, but also prevent black hair?

The reason why there are claims that black rice can fight cancer and cause black hair is mainly related to the fact that black rice is rich in anthocyanins .

Some experimental results of anthocyanins against cancer were obtained from in vitro experiments, and there are no effective results in human experiments. Moreover, anthocyanins degrade quickly in the body and are likely to be decomposed in the oral cavity, and their anti-cancer effect is minimal.

The blackness of hair is mainly related to melanin. As the age increases, the synthesis of melanin decreases, and there will be more and more gray hair.

But melanin and anthocyanins are not the same thing . No matter how much you eat, your hair will not turn black. Moreover, the main factors that can affect hair color are genetics, race, stress and other factors.

So what are the benefits of eating black rice?

1. Antioxidant

The anthocyanins in black rice can resist aging and are the most effective antioxidants that can help the human body delay aging.

2. Supplement nutrition

Black rice contains protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, carotene and other nutrients, which is very suitable for people who are weak and weak after illness.

3. Laxative

The dietary fiber in black rice can accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote the excretion of metabolites in the intestine, and help improve constipation.

4. Regulate blood sugar

Black rice contains a lot of resistant starch, which is digested slowly, so the glycemic index is not high, and it is more suitable for diabetics.



3. The color of the black rice “faded” when washing it. Did you buy fake black rice?

Many people find that the black rice has lost color when cleaning it. Does this mean that they have bought dyed fake black rice?

The “black” in black rice is actually anthocyanin, which is purple-red or blue-violet, but when the concentration is high, it looks like black. However, some unscrupulous merchants will dye ordinary rice black and pretend to be black rice. How to tell the difference?


  • Add acid and alkali

    Anthocyanins will turn blue when exposed to alkali and red when exposed to acid. Therefore, you can determine whether it is dyed fake black rice by adding acid and alkali. Fake black rice will not change color when exposed to acid or alkali.

  • Look at the appearance

    The color of normal black rice grains is generally uneven, some are dark and some are light, and are natural and shiny. Dyed black rice may have the same color and no luster.

  • draw a line

Use black rice to draw a line on white paper. If the color is light or absent, most of it is real black rice . If the color is like a pencil mark, it may be dyed.

If you want black rice to taste more nutritious, it is recommended to use black rice to stew rice instead of porridge. Stewing rice can better retain anthocyanins.


As a highly nutritious substance, black rice has many benefits for the body when consumed properly. However, it seems a bit unrealistic to expect black rice to fight cancer and black hair. Everyone should treat it rationally.

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