Is dry throat and cough a symptom of new pneumonia?


Recently, many people have worried about whether they are infected with the new type of pneumonia due to symptoms such as dry itchy throat and cough. Here, we will analyze this problem for you from a professional perspective and provide corresponding self-diagnosis and daily protection suggestions.

1. Dry throat and cough: one of the symptoms of new pneumonia?

The symptoms of new pneumonia, that is, pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus, do include dry and itchy throat, cough, etc. However, these symptoms are not unique to COVID-19. Many other respiratory diseases, such as the common cold, flu, etc., may also cause these symptoms.

2. Distinguish between ordinary cough and new type of pneumonia: the key is to look at these symptoms

To distinguish between ordinary cough and new type of pneumonia, in addition to symptoms such as dry itchy throat and cough, you also need to pay attention to the following points:

* Fever : Patients with new pneumonia usually have fever symptoms, while common colds may have no fever or only low-grade fever.

* Fatigue and muscle aches : Patients with new pneumonia may feel general fatigue and muscle aches, while these symptoms of a common cold are relatively mild.

* Difficulty breathing : Patients with new pneumonia may have difficulty breathing, especially when the condition is severe, while the common cold rarely causes dyspnea.

* Contact history : Patients with new pneumonia often have clear epidemiological contact history, such as recent contact with confirmed patients or people in epidemic areas.

3. How to check yourself when you have throat discomfort: What is the risk of new pneumonia?

When throat discomfort occurs, you can perform self-diagnosis through the following steps:

* Review contact history : First review whether you have recent contact history with confirmed patients or people in epidemic areas.

* Observe symptoms : In addition to dry and itchy throat and cough, you also need to pay attention to whether you have other symptoms such as fever, fatigue, muscle aches, etc.

* Assess risk : Based on contact history and symptoms, make a preliminary assessment of your risk of contracting new pneumonia. If there is a clear history of exposure and typical symptoms occur, the risk is higher; if there is no clear history of exposure and symptoms are mild, the risk is relatively low.

Daily protection and dietary advice

In order to reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended that everyone pay attention to the following points in daily life:

* Wear a mask : Wear a mask in public places and on transportation to reduce the risk of droplet transmission.

* Wash your hands frequently : Wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.

* Maintain social distance : Keep a safe distance of at least 1 meter from others and reduce close contact.

In terms of diet, it is recommended that you:

* Increase water intake : drink more water, juice, etc. to keep your throat moist and relieve dry and itchy symptoms.

* Ingest foods rich in vitamins : such as fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. to enhance immunity.

* Avoid irritating foods : such as spicy and greasy foods to avoid aggravating throat discomfort.

In short, symptoms such as dry itchy throat and cough do not necessarily mean that you are infected with the new type of pneumonia. When these symptoms occur, you should stay calm and reduce the risk of infection through self-examination and daily protection. If symptoms continue to worsen or other typical symptoms appear, it is recommended to seek medical treatment and undergo relevant examinations in time.

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