How do women take care of themselves at each age? The director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine draws the key points for you


Women are like flowers. What kind of health care methods should be used in a woman’s life so that she can bloom as beautifully as a flower at every stage of her life. Li Li, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Guangdong Provincial Reproductive Hospital, brings you the key points of traditional Chinese medicine care at different stages of adolescence, childbearing age and perimenopause.

The Classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Huangdi Neijing” states: “When a woman is in her 27th year, her Tiangui arrives, her Ren channel is unblocked, her Taichong channel is strong, and her menstruation is at the current time, so she has a son… In her 47th year, her muscles and bones are strong, her hair is extremely long, and her body is strong. Strong; Wuqi Yangming pulse is weak, the face becomes scorched, and the hair begins to fall… Seventy-seven Ren pulse is weak, the Taichong pulse is weak, Tiangui is exhausted, and the tunnel is blocked, so the shape is bad and there are no children.”, short A few short sentences record the entire physiological process of women starting from menstruation at the age of 14, aging at the age of 35, and menopause at the age of 49. Menstruation is a barometer of the female body. A normal menstrual cycle is generally 21-35 days, with an average of 28 days. It usually lasts 3-7 days and has a volume of 20-60mL. There are no blood clots, no odor, and no lower abdominal pain or dysmenorrhea.

Keywords for adolescence (10-19 years old) – avoid cold and cold, and stay away from menstrual pain

Menstrual cramps are a sign that girls are maturing. Faced with high study pressure, fast pace of life and bad living habits, “aunties” are often unpunctual and sometimes accompanied by pain, which brings a lot of trouble to adolescent girls.

The organs of adolescent girls are not yet fully developed, and menstruation is often irregular within 1 to 2 years after menarche. Mild menstrual disorders generally do not require treatment. In daily life, pay attention to taking a good “midday nap” to relieve stress and emotions, participate in appropriate sports, and maintain an appropriate weight, which will help establish a normal menstrual cycle.

However, if the menstrual cycle exceeds 2-3 months, the menstrual flow is excessive, or the menstrual bleeding lasts for more than 10 days, you need to see a doctor in time. TCM menstrual regulation therapy focuses on nourishing kidney yin in the late menstrual period, nourishing the kidneys to promote ovulation during ovulation, nourishing the kidneys and yang in the premenstrual period, and promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation during menstruation. It can effectively rebuild the menstrual cycle, fundamentally improve the disordered endocrine state, and also help improve acne, Symptoms such as hirsutism and obesity.

Daily health advice

Keep warm. During menstruation, the endometrium sheds and the cervix opens. Cold stimulation can easily lead to the invasion of cold evil. Cold coagulation and blood stasis may lead to dysmenorrhea, delayed menstruation or even amenorrhea (no menstruation for 3-6 months) in women. In order to avoid irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea, it is recommended that you do not drink cold drinks, eat frozen food, do not bathe in cold water, avoid wading in the rain, sitting or lying in wetlands, etc., avoid wearing knee-high and navel-revealing clothes, and pay attention to keeping the lower abdomen and lower limbs warm, especially In air-conditioned rooms, it is even more important to keep warm.

The following methods can relieve cold dysmenorrhea and everyone can use them.

1. Drink brown sugar ginger water. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, ginger and brown sugar are warm foods, and ginger has the effect of dispersing cold.

2. Moxibustion or hot compress on the lower abdomen and waist. There are acupuncture points such as Guan Yuan and Qi Hai in the lower abdomen, and there are acupuncture points such as Shenshu and Mingmen in the waist, which can nourish the kidneys, warm yang, replenish qi and strengthen the body.

3. Commonly use ginger or mugwort leaves boiled in water to soak your feet.

4. Massage acupoints or acupuncture. Massaging acupuncture points such as Sanyinjiao and Zusanli is helpful for dysmenorrhea, and acupuncture has a faster effect on dysmenorrhea.

5. Take cinnamon powder (crushed by yourself or use cinnamon granules), add ginger juice and make a paste, stick it on the navel, and fix it with tape to treat uterine cold dysmenorrhea, often with immediate results.

dietary advice

Adolescent girls are in the period of vigorous development. Patients with adolescent hemorrhage should avoid eating spicy foods to avoid excessive blood heat and lead to menorrhagia. Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome should adhere to a low-fat and low-cholesterol diet. It is recommended to abuse large tonic foods and drugs. According to your physical constitution, you can choose ginger, yam and pork ribs soup to warm and replenish spleen yang, or use five-finger peach stewed with lean meat to strengthen the spleen and reduce dampness. You can also use lotus seeds, gorgon seeds, coix seed, and pork ribs soup to remove dampness. To keep your mood comfortable, you can also soak roses appropriately. Flowers and other flowers can soothe the liver and relieve depression; those who stay up late and are prone to oral ulcers and dry mouth can take appropriate yin-nourishing products such as Polygonatum, Dendrobium, and Ophiopogon japonicus while ensuring adequate sleep and food.

Keywords during the childbearing age (20-49 years old) – regulate the liver, spleen and kidneys, and good pregnancy will come naturally

Women’s menstruation, pregnancy, fetus, and childbirth are all based on Qi and blood. Giving birth to a baby at the right age is still the top priority for most women of childbearing age. Regarding childbirth, everyone hopes to “get pregnant, have a good pregnancy, and give birth to a good child.”

Women are under the dual pressure of work and childbirth, so they should pay attention to adjusting their life rhythm to avoid the imbalance of yin and yang caused by overwork. Women of childbearing age who have had a history of adverse pregnancy and childbirth, suffer from gynecological diseases, and are in sub-healthy conditions should undergo traditional Chinese medicine conditioning before pregnancy to adjust their bodies to optimal condition to facilitate conception and embryonic development after pregnancy.

Women’s fertility often begins to decline at the age of 35, and the chances of infertility, spontaneous abortion, and birth defects increase. It is recommended that everyone has children at the appropriate age.

Among the five internal organs of the human body, the liver, spleen, and kidneys are most closely related to women’s menstruation (menstruation), vaginal discharge (leucorrhea), fetus (pregnancy), childbirth (delivery), and lactation (lactation), because the kidney duct is reproductive, the spleen duct is qi and blood, and the liver duct is emotional. . Spleen and stomach problems are prone to symptoms such as diarrhea, indigestion, insomnia, chills, cold hands and feet, increased leucorrhea, irregular menstruation, yellow and lackluster skin, etc. Even eating something cold will cause abdominal distension, abdominal pain and diarrhea. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach and remove dampness. Refer to Shenling Baizhu Powder. Liver problems are prone to dry eyes, insomnia and dreams, dark complexion, chloasma, irregular menstruation, breast hyperplasia, nodules, etc. Over time, liver stagnation is easy to turn into fire, resulting in irritability, chest tightness, and dry mouth. Symptoms such as bitter mouth, insomnia and dreaminess, yellow urine, dry stool and other symptoms require soothing the liver, regulating qi and clearing liver fire. You can refer to Modified Xiaoyao Pills. Insufficient kidney essence is prone to symptoms such as weakness in the waist and knees, frequent urination and urgency, dizziness and tinnitus. At this time, it is necessary to nourish the kidney and replenish essence. You can refer to Wuzi Yanzong Pills for additions and subtractions.

Everyone knows that “one pregnancy lasts three years.” Pregnancy consumes part of a woman’s energy and blood. After giving birth to a child, women are prone to Qi and blood deficiency. A large part of postpartum depression is also caused by insufficient Yang Qi and Qi and blood deficiency. Therefore, you need to regulate your spleen and stomach after childbirth. You also need to regulate your liver, spleen and kidneys during the days when you are not pregnant to maintain good health. In good health.

dietary advice

In life, we should pay attention to the balance of yin and yang, regulate our emotions and sleep properly, keep exercising, and stay away from cold foods. You can also choose corresponding dietary treatments according to your physical condition, such as fungus, yam, wolfberry, etc. that nourish the kidneys, yin, and blood; beef marrow, sheep kidney, wolfberry, black sesame, etc. that help regulate kidney essence deficiency and kidney yin deficiency; regulate kidney yang. Venison, beef, mutton, leeks, etc. can be used to treat insufficient libido and sexual desire; yam, ginseng, jujube, etc. can be used to regulate Qi and blood deficiency; roses, bergamot, etc. can be used to regulate stagnation of liver Qi; wax gourd, corn silk, coix seed, and lentils can be used to regulate dampness and heat. wait.

Moxibustion, acupoint massage

Commonly used spleen-nourishing acupoints include: Taibai, Pishu, Sanyinjiao, Yinlingquan, etc. Commonly used kidney-strengthening acupoints are Taixi, Yongquan, and Guanyuan acupoints. Commonly used liver-soothing acupoints are Yinbao and Taichong. , Qimen points, these points can be moxibustion or massage. If you insist on conditioning, you can maintain the coordination of liver, spleen and kidney functions and keep your body healthy.

Keywords for menopause (45-55 years old) – nourishing the spleen and soothing liver stagnation, no worries about premature aging

Menopause faces hormonal fluctuations and is prone to menstrual disorders and general discomfort, agitation, anxiety, depression, memory loss, insomnia and dreaminess, hot flashes and sweating, palpitation, frequent and urgent urination, pelvic floor organ prolapse, etc. The health care method is the same as before, that is, regular work and rest, try not to stay up late, maintain a suitable weight, quit smoking (stay away from second-hand smoke), quit drinking, have balanced nutrition, exercise reasonably, and maintain an optimistic attitude… If you want to delay the pace of aging, in addition to taking supplements In addition to regulating and replenishing qi and blood, the spleen and stomach are very important to keep the mood comfortable and stabilize the mood. That is tonifying the spleen and soothing the liver stagnation.

Medical sage Zhang Zhongjing’s Ganmai Dazao Decoction is a good prescription for treating diarrhea, defecation, and cost-effectiveness. It can nourish the heart and spleen, soothe the nerves and stop sweating. It contains 9g of Zhigancao, 30g of Huai wheat (you can use floating wheat instead), and 9 jujubes ( Coreless), used for the treatment of menopausal insomnia and hyperhidrosis, and can be consumed at ordinary times. You can also use cordyceps stewed duck meat, hawthorn lotus leaf tea, raw rehmannia glutinosa porridge, jujube and white fungus soup, wolfberry lotus heart tea and other medicinal foods to help you go through menopause smoothly.

During menopause, you can regularly massage Shenshu, Sanyinjiao, Shenmen, Taixi and other acupoints to improve menopausal syndrome symptoms such as upset, insomnia, hot flashes, dizziness, and heart palpitations. You can use 5g of rush, 30g of night-flowering vine, and 30g of mugwort leaves in boiled water to bathe your feet. At the same time, you can massage the Yongquan, Taichong, Sanyinjiao, Kunlun and other acupoints on the feet.

In short, Chinese medicine emphasizes the “harmony of nature and man”. The human body is also a small universe, with different beauty at different stages. Welcome to share it with your friends, grasp the key words of health care at different ages, and always be a healthy and beautiful goddess.

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