What foods should people with hyperlipidemia avoid? How should patients with hyperlipidemia keep their blood vessels healthy?


High blood lipids increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other diseases. For patients with hyperlipidemia, it is very important to adjust their eating habits. So, what foods should patients with hyperlipidemia avoid? How should patients with hyperlipidemia keep their blood vessels healthy?

1. What foods should patients with hyperlipidemia avoid?

1. Foods with high fat content

Long-term intake of large amounts of high-fat and greasy foods, such as fatty meats, fried foods, barbecues, etc., may lead to excessive accumulation of fat in the body, leading to obesity and may lead to an increase in blood lipid levels.

High blood lipid levels may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as blood vessel blockage. Therefore, it is recommended that people eat meat in moderation and avoid excessive consumption of high-fat foods to maintain cardiovascular health.


2. High-sugar foods

Excessive intake of sugary foods should be avoided. Ingestion of these foods will increase the burden on blood vessels and have adverse effects on health. The health of blood vessels is very important to the health of the body. Once the blood vessels are blocked, it can easily induce various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Excessive consumption of sweets can cause blood sugar levels to rise, which can increase stress on blood vessels. Large, long-term blood sugar fluctuations can cause damage to nerves and blood vessels.

3. Avoid drinking alcohol

When alcohol enters the body, it interferes with insulin production, causing the liver to metabolize alcohol instead of fat. This causes normal fat metabolism and utilization to be affected, thereby increasing blood lipid levels.

Alcohol also increases the detoxification burden on the liver. If the liver is damaged, fat cannot be metabolized normally and accumulates in the body. Metabolic waste and toxins cannot be discharged normally, increasing the risk of hyperlipidemia.


2. How should patients with hyperlipidemia keep their blood vessels healthy?

1. Exercise more

Insist on exercising more in the evening. If you want to control your blood lipids, you must first control your weight. Exercise is particularly important. Exercising half an hour after dinner every night will help better control your blood lipids.

2. Replenish moisture

Drinking water directly cannot cause an increase in total blood volume. Related studies have shown that drinking an appropriate amount of water every day can indeed effectively promote blood circulation and slow down the rise in blood lipid levels to a certain extent.

In addition, drinking more water can also help increase the basal metabolic rate and enable better decomposition and utilization of lipids. Friends who need to regulate blood lipids may wish to drink an appropriate amount of water every day.


3. Regular inspection

With the popularization of basic medical care and the improvement of medical standards, many people can find public hospitals near their homes.

From the perspective of own health management, it is recommended to go to the hospital to check blood lipid levels and assist in conditioning under the guidance of professional doctors, which may make the body healthier.

Patients with hyperlipidemia should avoid foods with high fat content, high-sugar foods, and alcohol. It is recommended that patients with hyperlipidemia exercise more, replenish water, and have regular physical examinations, which is beneficial to their health.

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