Stomach Ulcers: Three Vegetables to Avoid, and Foods to Eat for Stomach Health


While there is no specific list of foods that all stomach ulcer patients should eat, certain foods can promote recovery, including those rich in vitamins, high-quality proteins, and easily digestible options like oranges, fish, and porridge.

  1. Foods Rich in Vitamins: Fruits and vegetables such as oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, and cabbage are rich in vitamin C, which enhances the body’s immune system.
  2. Foods with High-Quality Proteins: Fish, shrimp, beef, and particularly fish, contain high-quality proteins with abundant nutritional value. Foods with high protein content, low fat, and cholesterol are easier to digest and absorb, thus reducing the burden on the stomach.
  3. Easily Digestible Foods: Stomach ulcer patients can consume easily digestible foods like millet porridge, pumpkin, and yam. Consuming easily digestible foods helps alleviate the burden on the stomach and accelerates ulcer healing.

Top Three Vegetables to Avoid for Stomach Ulcer Patients:

  1. High Fiber Vegetables: Vegetables with coarse fiber, such as celery and wood ear mushrooms, contain insoluble fiber that is challenging for the body to digest and absorb, increasing the burden on the stomach.
  2. Pickled Vegetables: Pickled foods like salted vegetables can contain nitrite produced during the pickling process. Nitrites may react with stomach acid, generating nitric oxide, which can irritate the intestines and potentially lead to diarrhea.
  3. Spicy and Stimulating Foods: Spicy foods like ginger and garlic are highly stimulating and can cause congestion of the stomach lining, increased gastric acid secretion, and worsen the condition.

Additionally, it’s crucial to cultivate healthy eating habits, such as maintaining regular meals and avoiding stimulating beverages like strong tea and alcohol. In severe cases, patients should actively cooperate with prescribed medication from their healthcare provider.


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