Is the child “swollen”? Beware of nephrotic syndrome in children!


Childhood nephrotic syndrome, also known as childhood nephrotic syndrome or childhood nephrotic syndrome, is a kidney disease characterized by proteinuria, edema, and hypoalbuminemia. The condition usually occurs in boys between the ages of 2 and 6, but girls can also develop it.

In terms of etiology, the medical community has not yet fully understood the specific cause of nephrotic syndrome in children. However, there are some studies that suggest the disease may be related to immune system abnormalities. Specifically, it may be that the immune system mistakenly attacks the glomerulus, causing damage to the glomerular filtration membrane. This damage can trigger a range of symptoms, including proteinuria and edema.

In terms of treatment, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome in children mainly includes drug treatment and nutritional support. Drug treatment mainly uses drugs such as glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants. These drugs can effectively reduce symptoms, control the progression of the disease, and improve patient survival rates. In addition to medication, patients also need to maintain adequate fluid intake and a high-quality protein diet to maintain normal body functions. This is because protein is an important building block of the body, while water helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body.

In terms of prevention, because the specific cause of nephrotic syndrome in children is still unclear, there are currently no particularly effective preventive measures. However, parents can reduce their children’s risk by paying attention to their children’s eating habits and lifestyle. For example, avoid excessive fatigue, infection and other factors that may cause damage to the kidneys. In addition, regular physical examinations and examinations are also very important, as this can help in early detection and treatment of nephrotic syndrome, thus improving the cure rate and survival rate.


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