To stay away from syphilis, these 6 preventive measures must be taken


When it comes to syphilis, everyone is actually afraid of it, because the occurrence of this condition will cause great harm to the body, so we should try our best to stay away from it in our lives. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by infection with Treponema pallidum. According to the different conditions, it is clinically divided into three stages: primary syphilis, secondary syphilis and tertiary syphilis.

Although primary syphilis has no obvious systemic symptoms, it can cause symptoms such as chancre and swollen lymph nodes. In the secondary stage of syphilis, patients will develop a syphilitic rash, accompanied by hair loss, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms.

In the third stage, in addition to obvious skin damage, it may also cause symptoms such as cardiovascular syphilis and neurological syphilis. In severe cases, it may even lead to paralytic dementia, and treatment is extremely difficult. Therefore, preventive measures must be taken in life, so what should be done to stay away from syphilis?

1. Develop good hygiene habits

To prevent syphilis, you must first develop good hygiene habits. In addition to doing a good job of cleaning before and after sex, you should also avoid going to public baths, public swimming pools and other places to avoid indirect infection of the disease.

Secondly, do not use other people’s personal items such as towels, razors, underwear, etc. This is because the syphilis virus is very survivable and will still show signs of life for a period of time after it escapes from the parasite, and can pass through these tools for dissemination.

2. Take a syphilis test before marriage

It is very important to get tested for syphilis before marriage. This is not only responsible for yourself, but also provides a layer of protection for your children. Syphilis is a highly contagious disease that can be spread not only through contact, but also from mother to child. If one person in a couple gets syphilis, not only will the partner be infected, but it may also affect the next generation.

3. Put an end to promiscuity

The main way syphilis is spread is through sexual contact. Having sex with multiple people greatly increases your risk of contracting syphilis. Therefore, for the health of yourself and your family, you must take good care of yourself. In addition to syphilis, sexual promiscuity can also cause a variety of reproductive diseases, such as genital inflammation, vaginitis, etc.

4. Do not contaminate patients’ daily utensils

If you are around a syphilis patient, you should keep a safe distance from them. For example, it is best not to touch the patient’s daily utensils, especially the patient’s toiletries, which should be stored separately to avoid cross-infection. In addition, family members should also go to the hospital regularly for syphilis tests to determine whether they are infected with the disease.

5. Use condoms

Many people don’t like to use condoms because they think it will affect their experience. However, using condoms has many benefits, such as greatly reducing the incidence of reproductive diseases, which naturally includes syphilis.

Secondly, the contraceptive effect of condoms is also very ideal and will not cause damage to the body. Therefore, using condoms when you are not planning to have children can not only reduce the occurrence of diseases, but also provide good contraception. Of course, if you are allergic to rubber, please ignore this.

6. Use disposable syringes

Blood transmission is also one of the main transmission routes of syphilis. If you use a syringe that has been used by someone with syphilis, you are more likely to be infected with syphilis. Therefore, be sure to check whether the syringe has been used before using it to avoid accidents.

Syphilis is a very difficult disease to treat. If it develops to the third stage, it is almost impossible to cure it. Therefore, it is still very important to take various preventive measures in life, such as the above points. Secondly, if you have been diagnosed with syphilis, you should seek medical advice promptly and do not believe in folk remedies that have no scientific basis, so as not to delay the treatment of the condition.


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