How much is the normal range of cholesterol in the elderly

What is the normal cholesterol level for the elderly?

1. What is the normal range of cholesterol for the elderly?

The liver is the main organ that synthesizes and stores cholesterol. Cholesterol is an important raw material for the synthesis of adrenocortical hormones, sex hormones, bile acids, vitamin D and other physiologically active substances. It is also the main component of cell membranes. Its serum concentration can be used as an indicator of lipid metabolism. Experts at home and abroad recommend that the ideal cholesterol value for adults is <5.2mmol/L. Total cholesterol (CHOL) includes free cholesterol and cholesterol esters, and is one of the commonly used indicators for liver function tests. The normal value of total cholesterol is: adult cholesterol: 2.86~5.98mmol/l (110~230mg/dl).

2. What to do if the elderly have high cholesterol

2.1. Quit smoking and drinking

Stay away from unhealthy lifestyles in life, which will also help you stay away from such diseases as soon as possible. Long-term drinking and smoking will damage the liver and lungs to a certain extent, and the internal organs of the human body will affect each other. Once the liver and lungs are damaged, it is extremely detrimental to the reduction of cholesterol.

2.2. Control high-sugar and high-calorie foods

Proper and reasonable control of diet is also an important factor in staying away from diseases. You should pay attention to it in your life. Obesity is the most important factor causing high cholesterol. Excessive intake of sugar and calories can lead to obesity. For the elderly, the amount of activity is significantly reduced and the body’s metabolism slows down. Obesity will bring a lot of harm to the body.

2.3. Exercise more and maintain weight.

Taking appropriate exercise measures in life is also an effective way to stay away from the occurrence of diseases, and you will also have a good body.

2.4. Control high cholesterol intake

Once you find that there is an increase in cholesterol in your body, you must take appropriate measures to reduce it. When it comes to controlling cholesterol, the most direct thing is to control the intake of high-cholesterol foods.

3. What can the elderly eat to control cholesterol?

3.1. Apple

Because it is rich in pectin, fiber and vitamin C, it has a very good lipid-lowering effect. If you eat two apples a day for a month, the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (harmful to cardiovascular disease) in most people’s blood will decrease, while the level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is beneficial to cardiovascular disease, will increase.

3.2. Carrot

It is rich in calcium pectate, which chemically reacts with bile acids and is excreted in the stool. In order for the body to produce bile acids, it must use cholesterol in the blood, thereby lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.

3.3. Corn

It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, lecithin, vitamin E, etc., and has the effect of lowering serum cholesterol.

3.4. Oysters

It is rich in zinc and taurine, especially taurine, which can promote the decomposition of cholesterol and help reduce blood lipid levels.

3.5. Almonds

People with normal or slightly elevated cholesterol levels can use almonds to replace low-nutrient-dense foods in their diets to lower blood cholesterol and maintain heart health.

3.6. Garlic

Can reduce liver synthesis of cholesterol. Just eating 3 cloves of garlic a day can effectively reduce harmful cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, and reduce the incidence of heart disease by 50%.

What shouldn’t the elderly eat if they have high cholesterol? 1. Animal oil

The “three high diseases” are also cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and any one disease can become the cause of another disease. When a person’s cholesterol is high, the risk of coronary heart disease increases. Those containing a lot of saturated fatty acids are also mostly high in cholesterol. In comparison, animal oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, while vegetable oil contains unsaturated fatty acids. You can usually use vegetable oil instead of animal oil to cook food, which is both healthy and delicious.

2. Animal offal and egg yolk

Animal viscera is very rich in cholesterol, such as the kidneys, livers, lungs and intestines of pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens and other animals, which roughly contain 200-400 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams of viscera. An egg contains 292.5 milligrams of cholesterol, most of which is concentrated in the yolk. Therefore, for the elderly with high cholesterol, no more than three eggs per week are recommended.

3. Shellfish

Fish is a food rich in unsaturated fatty acids, so patients with cholesterol can eat it regularly. However, shellfish and soft-bodied aquatic products are not suitable for patients to take because they are rich in high cholesterol. For example, squid, lobster, cuttlefish, etc. Therefore, elderly people usually have to choose aquatic products.

4. Cream, butter

Cream and butter are also rich in high cholesterol, so you should eat less of them, and try not to eat some meats that are rich in fat.

How to prevent high cholesterol in the elderly 1. Start the day with whole grains

Eating just one bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day for 8 weeks can reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood by 10% and increase the concentration of “good” cholesterol. Oats are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, which can prevent the absorption of cholesterol and fat in the gastrointestinal tract, thus achieving the effect of reducing blood fat and cholesterol. Whole grains include corn, brown rice, barley, and whole wheat flour.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day can help lower “bad” cholesterol. These vegetables contain antioxidants, which are good for your health. And when we eat more fruits and vegetables, we will eat less greasy food. This all helps lower blood pressure and maintain a healthy weight.

3. Keep exercising

Thirty minutes of physical activity five days a week and 20 minutes of strenuous exercise, such as jogging, three times a week can help lower LDL and increase HDL. More exercise is certainly better. It can also help keep you in shape and reduce the risk of clogged arteries. If you don’t have the full 30 minutes, you can use three 10-minute periods to complete it.

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