What are the bad habits of old people? Must change!


When talking about the habits of the elderly, we have to lament the profound influence of traditional culture and living conditions. These influences are like the imprint of time, deeply engraved in the lifestyle of the older generation. Some habits were developed when they were young and remain unchanged until they are old. Of course, some of these habits are good and some are not so good.

Let us take a look at seven common bad habits of Chinese elderly people: First, excessive frugality. The old people have experienced hard times and know the preciousness of material resources. Therefore, they tend to cherish anything they can eat and use and are unwilling to throw it away easily. But sometimes this kind of frugality goes too far, such as eating moldy food or eating leftovers for several days in a row, which is harmful to health.

The second is lack of exercise . As age increases, many elderly people become less and less active because they are afraid of pain or feel tired. They would rather sit and watch others exercise than get up and move themselves. But in fact, appropriate exercise is crucial to the health of the elderly.

The third is smoking and drinking. Many elderly people have the habit of smoking and drinking, although they know that this is not good for their health. Smoking and alcohol have become an integral part of their lives, which undoubtedly increases the risk of disease.

Fourth, the taste is heavy. As their sense of taste diminishes, older people tend to add more salt and seasonings when cooking. They prefer foods with strong taste, especially those with high salt, sugar and oil, which are not good for their health.

The fifth is to be sulky. The elderly have experienced ups and downs in their lives, and sometimes they hide their thoughts deep in their hearts and are unwilling to share them with others. If this happens for a long time, it will have an impact on both physical and mental health.

Sixth, worrying too much. Chinese elderly people are always very concerned about their children’s affairs and will intervene in everything no matter how big or small it is. Although this is out of love, excessive care can sometimes become a burden. The last point is reluctance to seek medical treatment. When many elderly people feel unwell, they always choose to endure it rather than seek medical treatment in time.

They may be afraid of trouble or money, but this approach often delays the disease. These habits are more or less common among the elderly in China. As the younger generation, we should give them more understanding and care, help them get rid of bad habits and live a healthier and happier life.


Difficult to change, but not impossible

Are the seven bad habits of Chinese elderly people we mentioned earlier really follow us and cannot be shaken off? In fact, things are not so absolute. In this world, everything has two sides. Although these habits have their bad side, we cannot ignore some positive factors that may be contained in them. The formation of any habit is the result of the interweaving of subjective and objective factors. As long as the elderly really want to change, the possibility of success is still quite high.

Old people should have enough confidence in themselves. After all, it’s incredibly difficult to change a habit that may have been going on for decades. But in the final analysis, habits are a kind of ” muscle memory” that is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Sometimes we don’t even need the brain to issue instructions, and the body will respond naturally. But the elderly must believe in themselves and have the ability to break this inherent pattern. In order for the elderly to really make up their mind to change, they need to be deeply aware of the serious consequences that these bad habits may bring. Only in this way can they feel the urgency and necessity of change from the bottom of their hearts, thus stimulating enough willpower and determination to overcome the difficulties ahead.


Of course, change cannot be achieved by one person. In this process, the encouragement and support of family members are indispensable. Their encouragement can strengthen the elderly’s determination to change; their support can make the elderly feel the warmth of home and the feeling of being needed. This will undoubtedly provide strong motivation for the elderly to change their bad habits. But change is a long process that requires sufficient patience and strategy. When family members persuade the elderly, they should adopt a gentle approach and avoid blunt and direct persuasion, so as not to hurt the elderly’s self-esteem. We must be prepared to fight a protracted war, and let the elderly realize the harm of bad habits to the body in a subtle way, so that they can consciously make changes.

Tips for a healthier later life

Bad habits are not developed in a day. Similarly, good habits also require time and patience to develop slowly. For the elderly, it does take a lot of effort to change long-term bad habits into good habits . But it’s worth the effort to make your later years easier and more enjoyable. Every elderly person hopes that they will be comfortable and healthy in their later years, and their children also hope that their parents can enjoy a high-quality later life. In fact, achieving this goal is not complicated. You only need to do the following three points to make the elderly healthier and happier.

First, keep a positive and optimistic attitude. The state of mind has a profound impact on the health of the elderly. Some experts pointed out that an optimistic attitude can not only prolong life, but is also the key to maintaining physical and mental health. A person with a good attitude always looks full of energy. They will not hide their troubles in their hearts, but choose to face them positively. The elderly should learn to look at life with an open mind and face every day optimistically. The children have grown up and have their own lives. The elderly no longer need to interfere too much. They only need to give some advice at the appropriate time. When you feel unwell, you should also seek medical treatment in time. Don’t delay treatment because you are afraid of spending money.


Secondly, pay attention to the balance and nutrition of the diet. As age increases, the digestive system of the elderly will gradually decline. Therefore, the diet should be diverse to ensure adequate nutrition while avoiding excessive burden on the body. It is recommended that the elderly choose low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar , low-oil and light foods, and take the initiative to drink more warm water. In addition, eating smaller meals more frequently is also a good choice. Of course, quitting smoking and drinking is also essential. The harm caused by tobacco and alcohol to the body will gradually deepen over time, so the elderly should quit smoking and drinking as soon as possible to maintain good health.

Finally, go out more often and encounter new things. Many elderly people were busy with work and family when they were young, and had little opportunity to travel or participate in social activities. Now that the children have grown up, the elderly have more free time. They can participate in some interactive activities, communicate and share with peers, and enjoy a colorful retirement life. In addition, if physical conditions permit, the elderly can also sign up for tour groups and get out of their homes to see the outside world. Don’t always stay at home and focus on family chores, which can easily make people feel depressed and bored.

In short, in order to make their later life healthier and happier, the elderly need to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, pay attention to a balanced and nutritious diet, and go out more often to experience new things. As long as these three points are achieved, I believe every elderly person can enjoy a high-quality life in their later years.


In China, we often see some elderly people with some “stubborn” habits: they may be too frugal and reluctant to spend money; they may not like sports very much and prefer to sit quietly; they may smoke or drink habitually, He has a heavy taste; he sometimes gets sulky easily and cannot hide things in his heart; he always likes to worry and has to do everything by himself, no matter how big or small; he even feels unwell and is unwilling to see a doctor. These seem to have become unique and difficult-to-change “labels” for Chinese elderly people.

These habits are largely influenced by their past living environment and experiences. In that era, frugality was a virtue because they had experienced an era of scarcity; not exercising may be because they had been busy and tired for life, and now they want to calm down and rest; and smoking and drinking may be a way for them to relax and relax in the past. Ways to relieve stress. Behind every habit, there are their stories and experiences. However, that doesn’t mean these habits can’t change. As long as the elderly have enough confidence in themselves and their ability to adjust and improve, then everything is possible. The support and encouragement of their families is undoubtedly their biggest motivation for change. A heart-warming word or an encouraging look can make them feel the warmth of home and make them more determined to move towards change.

If they want to live more comfortably, the elderly can try to adjust their mentality, stay optimistic and positive, and not let small things upset their mood. Pay a little attention to your diet and choose healthier and more suitable foods so that your body can be better taken care of. Going out more often and seeing the outside world can not only exercise your body, but also broaden your horizons and make you feel happier. Life is always full of possibilities. As long as you are willing to try and change, every elderly person can have a healthy and happy old age life.

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