Understanding the Relationship Between Milk Tea and Insomnia: Unveiling the Ingredients Responsible


Introduction: The saying goes, “Drinking milk tea feels great, but it turns into a sleepless night!” Many individuals find themselves wide awake after indulging in a cup of milk tea. If you’ve experienced this, rest assured, you’re not alone.

Part 1: Why Does Milk Tea Cause Insomnia?

Milk tea, composed of milk, tea leaves, and sugar, sometimes incorporates various food additives. Research by the Shanghai Consumer Council revealed that certain milk teas on the market surpass recommended limits for ingredients like milk essence, trans-fatty acids, sugar, and caffeine. So, which components within milk tea contribute to insomnia?

  1. High Levels of Trans-Fatty Acids in Milk Essence:

Commercially sold milk tea often includes milk essence to enhance flavor. This ingredient contains trans-fatty acids, which not only remove the astringency of tea but also improve the overall taste of milk tea. Studies indicate that excessive intake of trans-fatty acids can exacerbate insomnia, leading to shallow sleep and increased fatigue upon waking.

  1. Elevated Fat Content in Creamy Milk Foam:

The creamy foam atop milk tea, beloved by many, harbors significant fat content. Research from the Shanghai Consumer Council reported fat levels ranging from 5.4g to 7.7g per 100mL in milk teas with creamy foam. High-fat diets have been linked to poor sleep quality, with individuals showing increased susceptibility to sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

  1. Impact of Excessive Sugar Consumption:

Despite being often overlooked, the sugar content in milk tea can contribute to insomnia. Studies reveal a correlation between high sugar intake and sleep disturbances. Individuals prone to insomnia tend to consume excess sugar, primarily from sugary beverages, which can disrupt sleep patterns and decrease sleep duration.

  1. Abundance of Caffeine:

Tea, a key ingredient in milk tea, naturally contains caffeine. Excessive caffeine consumption, as found in some milk teas, is a major contributor to sleep disturbances. Research highlights the adverse effects of caffeine on sleep quality and duration, with some milk teas containing caffeine levels equivalent to eight cans of energy drinks.

Part 2: Understanding the High Caffeine Content in Milk Tea:

The brewing process significantly impacts the caffeine content in milk tea. To achieve a richer flavor, milk tea shops often use tea bags or tea powder, which increases caffeine extraction. Consequently, the excessive use of tea powder in milk tea production contributes to elevated caffeine levels, potentially leading to insomnia among susceptible individuals.

Conclusion: While some individuals may consume milk tea without adverse effects, others may experience rapid heart rate and insomnia after just half a cup. Therefore, it’s essential to be aware of the ingredients in milk tea and make informed choices rather than mindlessly indulging, risking sleepless nights.

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