The difference between kiwi fruit and kiwi fruit


In our daily lives, we often hear about the two fruits kiwi and kiwi. Many people think they are the same fruit, just called by different names. But in fact, although kiwi and kiwi are similar, there are some obvious differences. This article will explore their differences from three aspects: appearance, texture and flavor, as well as nutritional value and eating methods.

1. Differences in appearance

The skin of kiwi fruit is covered with dense fuzz, and the overall color is green-brown. The fruit shape is generally larger and irregular in shape, sometimes oval, sometimes more rounded. In contrast, the skin fuzz of kiwi fruit is much sparser, and some varieties even have almost hairless skin. The colors of kiwi fruits are also more diverse. In addition to the common green-brown, there are also golden yellow, red and other varieties. In terms of fruit shape, kiwi fruits are usually more regular, oval or cylindrical.

2. Comparison of taste and flavor

In terms of taste, kiwi pulp has a rough texture, contains more seeds and fiber, and has a certain grainy texture. In terms of taste, kiwi fruit has a higher sweetness and sourness, especially for immature fruits, which have a more obvious sourness and astringency. The pulp of kiwi fruit is relatively delicate, has fewer seeds and fiber, and has a smoother taste. Taste-wise, kiwis are sweeter, less acidic, and have a sweeter overall flavor.

3. Discussion on nutritional value and consumption methods

In terms of nutritional value, kiwi and kiwi fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients. However, there are still certain differences between the two in terms of specific content. Generally speaking, the vitamin C content of kiwi fruit is higher than that of kiwi fruit, while kiwi fruit is superior in the content of potassium, magnesium and other minerals. In addition, both contain some unique biologically active substances, such as kiwifruit in kiwi fruit and kiwifruit enzyme in kiwi fruit. These substances have certain benefits for human health.

In terms of consumption, both kiwi and kiwi fruits can be eaten fresh or used to make juice, jam, fruit wine, etc. But due to differences in taste and flavor, their applications in cooking also vary. For example, kiwi fruit has a strong sour taste and is more suitable for making jam or eating with sweets; while kiwi fruit has a higher sweetness and delicate taste and is more suitable for making juice or eating fresh.

In general, although kiwi fruit and kiwi fruit are similar in appearance, there are certain differences in appearance, taste and flavor, and nutritional value. In daily life, we can choose to eat according to our own preferences and needs. At the same time, whether it is kiwi fruit or kiwi fruit, you should pay attention to eating it in moderation to avoid discomfort caused by excessive intake. For people with special diseases, such as diabetics, they should also arrange their diet reasonably under the guidance of a doctor.

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