Heart pain needs attention, or it may be related to angina pectoris. 6 first aid methods need to be mastered


Heart pain can be caused by many causes, including disease of the heart itself, such as coronary artery disease, myocarditis or pericarditis, as well as a number of other health problems. If your heart pain comes on suddenly and doesn’t stop, or is accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty breathing, sweating, nausea, or dizziness, it may be a symptom of angina.

Angina is pain caused by a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply. This pain is usually a pressure or tightness that may extend into your chest, neck, jaw, shoulders, or back. It usually worsens with physical activity or emotional stress and resolves with rest or the use of nitroglycerin.

If you suspect you may be experiencing angina, here are some steps you should take:

1. Stop all activities immediately

This is the most important step. You need to stop any activity that might put a strain on your heart. This may include strenuous exercise, emotional excitement, or other activities that may make your heart work harder.

2. Unbutton your clothes

This can help you breathe better and put less strain on your heart. Tight clothing or ties, for example, may restrict your breathing and make your heart work harder.

3. Ensure sufficient oxygen supply

Try to keep your breathing steady and deep, and avoid hyperventilating. If possible, try to breathe in oxygen. This can help increase oxygen levels in the blood, which can relieve heart pain.

4. Rest in a semi-recumbent position

This can help reduce the load on your heart. There is no need to lie down or stand upright to avoid hypotension or increased blood return to the heart and increased burden on the heart. You can lean against a wall or a chair and keep your body in a semi-recumbent position.

5. Those with conditions can inhale oxygen.

If you have an oxygen device, try inhaling oxygen. This can help increase oxygen levels in the blood, which can relieve heart pain.

6. Inject or take emergency medicines

If you have been diagnosed with angina, you may have been prescribed medications to treat the condition. Make sure to use these medications correctly as directed by your doctor. If you are not sure how to use these medications or they are not effective in relieving your pain, you should seek medical help immediately.

If your heart pain is not angina, you may want to consider other causes and treatments. This may include lifestyle changes, such as keeping a happy mood, avoiding overexertion, eating healthily, exercising appropriately, etc. However, no matter what the cause of your pain is, you should seek help from your doctor to ensure you receive the correct diagnosis and treatment.


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