be sure to pay attention to the following behaviors in your children!


Autism, also known as autism, is a neurological developmental disorder that typically manifests as social impairment, language impairment, and behavioral abnormalities. The cause is unknown, and there is currently a lack of specific drugs for treatment. It lasts for life, and children need long-term companionship from caregivers and lengthy rehabilitation training to improve their ability to live independently and adapt to society.

Five specific manifestations of autism

1. Social dysfunction

It is the core obstacle of autism. It often avoids eye contact with others, is not interested in speaking voices, behaves withdrawn, often plays alone, and lacks interest in peer interactions or group activities. These phenomena can easily make parents suspect that their children have hearing problems.

2. Speech development and communication disorders

Many autistic children have poor language understanding, cannot understand instructions, rarely take the initiative to ask questions to others, have difficulty maintaining normal conversations, and often use words inappropriately. Therefore, difficulties in speech expression and understanding will inevitably affect the communication of autistic children. ability.

3. Abnormal interests and behaviors

Children with autism have narrow, limited and very peculiar interests. Their movements and behaviors are often stereotyped, stiff, and clumsy. Some children with autism are overly active, and some may also exhibit destructive, aggressive, and self-injurious behaviors.

4. Abnormal attention

Children with autism generally have a shared attention deficit, that is, they do not follow the eyes or gestures of others and do not pay attention to the people or objects around them. But when engaged in activities that interest them, concentration may be stronger than that of normal children.

5. Abnormal sensory function

Some children like to spin very much and can spin many times without getting dizzy; some children’s bodies are constantly shaking, and they will shake their hands or head and other body parts without purpose; some children have very bad pain, such as falling and being injured and will not respond; some children Children may also dislike being touched by others, be afraid of hugs, etc.

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